
Bloodpack 1.02 -> 1.03

- two new maps: MAP29, MAP30
- great changes in the maps: MAP02, MAP06, MAP17, MAP18, MAP22
- small changes in all other maps
- monsters, weapons, ammunition and healing were anew balanced in all maps
- made more difficulty
- music of map 13, 26, 29 and 31 exchanged
- now many maps look nicer

Bloodpack 1.02 -> 1.02b

- Weaponbug fixed (BFG2704)
- Now it is playable with GZDOOM V. 1.0.00. But it is recommended to play it with the version 0.9.27 of GZDOOM. With the version 1.0.00 of GZDOOM there are some grafik and performance problems.

Bloodpack 1.01 -> 1.02
- Weaponbug fixed (Icecannon)
- Level 13 Bugfix (a door was sometimes impassable)

Bloodpack 1.00 -> 1.01

- removed some needless things
- icecannon against another exchanged
- weapon order changed